Top 7 Hidden Gems to Interrail to in 2025

Interrailing is the ultimate way to explore Europe, offering the freedom to hop from one destination to another while soaking up incredible landscapes along the way. While iconic cities like Paris, Rome, and Amsterdam attract millions of visitors every year, some of the most memorable experiences can be found off the beaten path. If you’re…

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Interrail Bliss: A Guide to Switzerland’s Most Scenic Train Journeys

Switzerland, a land of soaring peaks and pristine lakes, is a haven for Interrail travelers seeking a symphony of natural beauty. Beyond the iconic cities, Switzerland’s scenic train routes unveil a mesmerising tapestry of landscapes. In this guide, we’ll delve into the top ten scenic train journeys tailor-made for the Interrail adventurer. 1. Glacier Express:…

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Where should I go interrailing in Switzerland? The top 5 places to Interrail in Switzerland

So, you want to go interrailing in Switzerland? Great choice – Switzerland is quite unlike anywhere else in Europe. With its chocolate box towns, jaw-dropping mountain vistas and sweeping lakes, the Swiss should truly count their blessings for being able to live in one of the world’s most beautiful countries. The Swiss are also canny…

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The most beautiful train journeys you can take when interrailing around Europe

The romance of train journeys is something that has never been lost, largely because they offer what flying just can’t. With railways built in some of Europe’s most inaccessible places, they give an unparalleled opportunity to glimpse a world you can’t appreciate from 36,000ft. Crossing glaciers, winding through mountain passes, skirting fjords, lakes and waterfalls,…

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Interrail Plan Insights Report 2017

Using information from the routes created with our free Interrail planning tool, we’ve published a short report detailing some interesting Interrail insights, including a definitive list of the most popular destinations! Underneath, you will see a heatmap of where Interrailers tend to go in Europe, which was created from the same data. Interrail Plan Insights…

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An Interrail Plan & Playlist

In addition to being passionate about helping people to plan Interrail trips, I’m passionate about discovering new music. The other day, I noticed that a few of the artists I listen to have songs named after European cities – so, I decided to create and share a route through these cities, that would also hopefully…

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Longest Interrail Route Challenge

We challenged James Jackman to create the longest Interrail route he could using a 5 travel days in 15 days Global Pass! Sounds simple right? It would be, if we didn’t have these two conditions: no night trains and no journeys over 6 hours. Suddenly it’s not so easy! Have a read below and see…

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