Interrailing: My Experience

I went Interrailing before going to University and here are some hints and tips I picked up on my trip! Pamplona Our first destination was Pamplona, and we timed our visit to coincide with the festival of San Fermin, famous for the running of the bulls. Whilst we didn’t dare participate, it was thrilling to…

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My Interrail Route

The first time I went Interrailing was in the summer of 2012, in between leaving school and starting university. I travelled with 5 friends and the experience of different cultures was something you don’t get on your typical holiday. So, here is my route and the highlights from it. Rome We flew out to Rome,…

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How can I plan the perfect Interrail route?

An Interrail holiday is usually an experience shared with friends. Therefore, there is no “perfect” route because everyone has different preferences and different ideas of what they want to do and see on their journey. Europe is a vast landscape with a huge variety in culture and lifestyle. Interrailing is a personal experience and you…

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Why plan an Interrail trip in advance?

An Interrail pass enables you to go from wonderful city to wonderful city, travelling by train through beautiful European landscapes. But as amazing as that is, it does require a lot of research and it really helps to plan your trip in advance. Here are the three main reasons we recommend doing so. To agree…

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