An Interrail route off the beaten track

Experienced Interrailer James Jackman has put together a route of lesser known cities for those who want to avoid the mainstream. Not every interrail journey has to race through Europe’s capitals and famous landmarks. Think about it, where are the majority of tourists heading? Often, by visiting the smaller cities you can get a better…

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Interrailing: My Experience

I went Interrailing before going to University and here are some hints and tips I picked up on my trip! Pamplona Our first destination was Pamplona, and we timed our visit to coincide with the festival of San Fermin, famous for the running of the bulls. Whilst we didn’t dare participate, it was thrilling to…

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My Interrail Route

The first time I went Interrailing was in the summer of 2012, in between leaving school and starting university. I travelled with 5 friends and the experience of different cultures was something you don’t get on your typical holiday. So, here is my route and the highlights from it. Rome We flew out to Rome,…

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